
What is the average electricity bill per month?

heating grant

The spike in energy bills is something that all of us want to avoid. Energy prices have risen significantly in the past few months. By April 1st 2022, energy bills are set to rise by 54%. This can be combatted by making your property more energy efficient and insulating it. This is especially useful when you can get your insulation up to 100% fully funded through a government grant. Click here to complete the questionnaire to see whether you’re eligible for a Government Grant and the ways that it can help you.

Why are my energy bills rising?

Bills are expected to rise again in October 2022 due to the Ukraine crisis as Ukraine are the world’s largest natural gas exporter. Europe also faced a cold winter in 2020/2021 which put pressure on the supply of energy. As the summer of 2021 had less wind than usual, it made it more difficult for wind energy to be generated too. Most of these factors are related to climate change which is something that we all have the power to change. That’s why our mission here at RMS Energy Solutions Ltd to stop fuel poverty and fight climate change is so important.

What’s the average electricity bill per month?

Due to the spike in energy bills, more households will be facing fuel poverty. This is when more than 10% of a household’s income is spent on heating a property. The government grant scheme is aimed at putting a stop to fuel poverty. This is by insulating properties and making them more energy efficient. Click here to read more about ECO government funding and how the government grants work. Here at RMS Energy Solutions Ltd, we can upgrade your heating and insulation through the grants distributed by the government. Through this scheme, you can get these upgrades up to 100% fully funded by the Government if you or anyone in your household is in receipt of benefits or earn a low income. Click here to complete the questionnaire which will tell you if you qualify for a Government Grant.

The average electricity bill per month is increasing significantly.

According to the data from Ofgem’s study, the difference in the weekly average of how much we spend on our energy bills has almost quadrupled.

The weekly average on 1st February 2021- £53.08

The weekly average on 24th January 2022- £195.46

monthly average electric bill graph

When we look at the average electricity bill per month, the difference over the past 10 years is staggering.

Monthly average electric bill in December 2021- 262.52

Monthly average electric bill in December 2011- £46.15

As the energy prices keep rising, it’s even more important that we monitor our energy usage for the sake of both the planet and our bills.

What are my energy bills being spent on?

energy bill breakdown graph

Approximately 50% of a household’s energy bills are spent on heating a property. This is why insulating your property is such an effective way to combat the spike in energy bills. Your heating and insulation upgrades can be installed for free if you qualify for a government grant. As your property gets these upgrades and becomes more energy efficient, less energy will be required to heat your property. This is because the EPC (energy performance certificate) of your property will be improved. Not only will upgrading your heating and insulation benefit you and your property now, but it will have many benefits in years to come.

How can I reduce my energy bills?

There are many ways to make small changes to lower your energy bills, click here to read the full blog on this. You can start by making the smallest changes such as turning down your thermostat, turning off devices instead of leaving them on standby and draught proofing doors and windows. These changes can make a significant difference over the course of a few months or a year.

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